AutoSENZ Wall Hung Intergrated Sensor Urinal
Back Inlet
DC Power Supply (1009379990)
Power Supply:DC 6V OR AC 220V
Power box model: DC Battary Box (1009379990) / AC Power Box (1009409990)
Size & Proportions
Depth | 374mm |
Height | 808mm |
Width | 340mm |
・Demand water pressure: 0.07 ~ 0.75MPa
・Environment Protection: Urinal will flush once after idling for 24 hours
・Stadium Mode: If usage frequency is high (i.e less than 2s time interval between users), the urinal will flush once every 2 minutes instead.
・Cleaning Mode: Temperatory suspend IR sensing fuction and button flushing (if applicable) for 10 minutes; facilitating daily cleaning process.